Shawn Hartman

Shawn HartmanMAEd, MLS

Librarian - Outreach Services
DepartmentAcademic Affairs
Office AddressLibrary Learning Commons 204


Education Background

Chadron State College
Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration/Accounting

Chadron State College
Master of Arts - Business Education

Texas Women's University
Master of Library Science

Job Responsibilities

My primary responsibilities involve circulation duties, including monthly statistics, management of faculty and textbook reserve collections, and supervision and training of student assistants and part-time library staff. I also maintain the departmental budgets for the LLC and schedule the Graves Lecture Series. Additionally, I serve as a liaison to the Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER), Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), Range, and Business departments on campus.

Research & Professional Interests

In my personal time, I am actively involved in my church, where I serve as the organist and accompanist. I also enjoy playing the piano, reading, golfing, and biking. I find great fulfillment in working with our students and witnessing their growth and development.